For authors > JFS special issue

After the conference, the scientific committee will select "journal quality" papers from the proceedings. If they wish to, their authors will have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their paper to the Journal of Fluids and Structures, for publication in a JFS special issue. Here are the terms that we agreed with the Editors in Chief (EiCs) and with Elsevier:

  • Similarity check:
    • The journal paper includes at least 30% of new material in the results section (incl. new figures, etc.) compared to the conference paper.
    • The conference paper is clearly cited in the journal version.
    • The reuse of redundant text (introduction, materials and methods etc.) is avoided and referred to the conference proceedings.
  • JFS reviewing process:
    • Each paper goes through the usual route (i.e. past one of the two EiCs) for some initial sanity check, with the possibility of a desk reject.
    • The journal paper is refereed by at least two independent reviewers.
    • The final decision on any paper remains with the EiCs.
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