Flow-Induced Vibration Conference is back... live !


To all:

* just in case, do not forget to pre-order the paper version of the proceedings

* please note that the domain name 'www.fiv2022.com' will soon disappear. It is an alias for 'https://fiv2020.sciencesconf.org/' that will still be in use



update 07/06/2022

  • The proceedings are available!
  • Instructions for tonight: click here.

update 07/04/2022

If you wish to take the conference bus at Porte d'Orléans, the meeting point is south of the place, on the stairs close to the statue of Général Leclerc     (yes, we have had several generals in France): how_to_take_the_conference_bus.pdf

If you come by public transit, please follow these instructions and help yourself with this visual support: public_transportation_in_pictures_last_minute_check.pdf


 update 07/02/2022

Conference programme: you can look at the dedicated page or download a formatted PDF version here (as of today, July 2nd). The booklet of abstracts is available on the proceedings page.
Note: we noticed a few bugs on the programme webpage. The programme that we will follow during the conference is the PDF one. We will give you a printed copy of it upon your arrival on Tuesday morning.

update 07/01/2022

A useful hint from our Conference Adviser (many thanks): In powerpoint, open 'File/Options' then / 'save' and click 'embed fonts in the file' and 'embed all characters'


update 06/30/2022

To all attendees: everything is fine, do not worry and the final program will be available very soon. Some of you have requested slot shifts, and we are doing our best to fulfill your wishes. This is the reason why some presentations are still on the move, and that a few of them do not appear.

Have a safe trip and welcome to Paris.



update 06/29/2022 afternoon

Instructions for your talks: 18min presentation, 5min questions.

update 06/29/2022 morning

Dear authors, we kindly remind that the organizing committee has decided to make FIV2022 a live-only event. Please make sure that at least one author per paper will be present in the conference venue for their oral presentation. Otherwise the paper will not be published in the conference proceedings. To sum up, here are the conditions for publication in the proceedings:
- Most important: come to the conference next week!
- If you haven't done it yet:
     *Update your paper according to the reviews.
     *Register to the conference.

update 06/28/2022

Dear all

For your comfort and convenience, a dedicated bus shuttle will take you at 'Porte d'Orléans' in the morning and bring you back in the evening. Time and location details will be provided soon.

update 06/25/2022

Hello everybody, the final program is almost there, you can check for up-to-date arrangements in the Content of conference section.



update 06/15/2022

Bonjour, we are very happy to introduce the first version of the conference programme.

update 06/14/2022

Dear all,

By now, 80% of the papers have undergone a complete reviewing process and the authors have been notified. We still have a dozen papers awaiting their second review (this will be solved by the end of the week). If your paper is in that situation, it will appear in your account as "Reviewed": this means that the first review has arrived, but not the second (granted, it was not obvious!). When the second review arrives, we will send you without delay a notification. Your paper will then appear with the status "Awaiting update".


update 06/05/2022

Dear all,

The reviewing process is still in progress. If you have not had news on your paper yet, do not panic: it will come soon !


update 05/16/2022

Dear colleagues,

It is a tremendous pleasure for us to announce that more than 60 papers have been submitted to date for FIV2022, covering all topics of the flow-induced vibration community. And they look good!

The reviewing process has now begun, you should hear from us soon.

Please have some sympathy for the organizing committee and do not wait too long before registering to the conference. This will help us a great deal in organizing the practical aspects of your stay in Paris (incl. catering, coffee, gala dinner, etc.).

À bientôt


update 05/07/2022

REGISTRATION OPEN! Go here for the instructions.

Please note the following requirements for publication of a paper in the conference proceedings:
- acceptance by the scientific committee,
- oral presentation during the conference,
- and hence, registration of at least one author of the paper.

We are eager to hearing your talks in Paris-Saclay in July!

(Anyone can register, no paper submission is necessary to attend the conference.)


update 05/06/2022

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that a JFS special issue for FIV2022 will be published after the conference. You can find more information on the eligibility requirements by looking at the dedicated page.


update 04/15/2022

Dear all,

As you are well aware of, the covid crisis is almost over but not completely. We crave for real life meetings and discussions, yet we may find it harder than before to move forward, and plan events.

In foggy conditions, we have decided to give you time to submit papers, way more time than in past events.

Well, it's time now.

We expect you to submit papers as soon as possible, and no later than the 8th of May. Many thanks to our colleagues who have already completed their submission. The key dates of the submission and reviewing process are here.

This 2022 conference promises to be a wonderful time, with adaptations to the circumstances. Looking forward to meeting you soon in Paris.


last minute update 04/13/2022

A few weeks before FIV2022, the flow-induced vibration community will have the opportunity to meet in Guelph, Ontario, in honour of Prof. D. S. Weaver, June 15, 2022 – June 17, 2022. We warmly encourage all attendees to participate to this symposium and pay a well-deserved tribute to our friend, fellow and mentor David, a founding member of the community. Here is the link.

update 04/01/2022

The registration fees have been set, you can find them here. We will consider you as an early bird even if you register on the 4th July (but please, be kind with the organizing committee and do not wait too much once we open the registration).


update 01/28/2022

Paper submissions now open !

Please log in then go to My space > My submissions. You can directly submit a new paper there. If you still have an "old" paper from 2020 and the system does not let you edit it, please submit a new paper. We will sort old papers out, do not worry about that. No pre-submission abstract needed. Paper submission deadline: 15th April.


update 01/12/2022

Dear all,


In these adverse circumstances, the scientific committee has warmly encouraged us, and we are happy to announce that the 12th Flow-Induced Vibration Conference will be held this summer in Paris Saclay (!no online event!).

We know that the pandemic is not over.

We know that travel arrangements can hardly be prepared by now.

We propose you what in other times would have been an improvized conference in the sense that the papers shall have a chance to be submitted much later than usual. We will not be able to provide conference proceedings in advance. Otherwise, you will find everything you expect in a real life event: great talks and fruitful exchanges, a nice event venue with up-to-date equipment and comfortable seating, a conference dinner, and above all, the pleasure to meet friends again. 

The conference will be held in EDF Lab Paris Saclay, 5-8 July 2022.

The registration and the submission area will be re-opened soon.


Keep safe and come to us soon


Despite many decades of intensive research, flow-induced vibration is still present in many industries ranging from aerospace, automotive and civil engineering to marine structures, electricity generation and chemical processing. The four-year cycle of the european Flow-induced vibration conference is a unique opportunity to assemble a community of  academics and engineers involved in understanding and mitigating the phenomena, in the interests of human safety.

A bit of history

The first event in the Flow Induced Vibration series was the 1973 Keswick conference entitled 'Vibration problems in industry', in response to the needs of the then emerging nuclear industry. Subsequent conferences have evolved into major international events with a continually wider scope of papers in the field of fluid-structure interaction. The conference is held every four years, the most recent events being Dublin in 2012 and The Hague in 2016, where 200 participants were attracted from around the world with every continent represented.

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